On trees with occasional feathering remove any lower side branches – they are often in the wrong place or if left would make an unbalanced tree.

This will be job done for now on unfeathered varieties ie Apple Blenheim Orange Whether a variety is feathered or unfeathered is explained when ‘Larger image’ for the variety in the Catalogue is clicked.Īssuming the tree has reached the required height reduce it to just above the required clear stem height cutting to just above a bud. Feathered – with many branches up the main stem occasionally.

The ‘maiden’ trees supplied will either be: Standard – 1.8m / 6′ (suitable for apples on M25, Perry Pears on Wild Pear, Cherries on Wild Cherry F12.1 & Plums on Brompton).Maximum for Apples on MM106 & Pears on Quince A) Half standard – 1.35m / 4’6″ (Plums on St Julien A.Tall bush – 1m / 36-42″ (Apples on M26 (maximum), MM106, Pears on Quince A, Cherries on Gisela 5 & Plums on Pixy).Bush – 0.75m / 30″ (Apples on M26, Pears on Quince C & Cherries on Gisela 5).The below heights of clear stem should serve as a guide:

The length of clear stem greatly depends on the rootstock vigour – dwarfer rootstocked trees will only support a short clear stem whereas a variety on a vigorous rootstock will support a long clear stem. In this case we are pruning to develop a bush tree – a tree of a goblet shape above a clear stem.