Go to Messages, Calls, or Voicemail and select the cell phone number that you want to block. If youre doing the former, make sure to tap 'Done. You can also tap the ALLOW button which would add this as a rule to your allow list. Here are the steps you need to follow: Step 1: Open Google Voice. To block a new number you can either: type in the number manually, select one from the 'Recent' calls/text messages, or from your Contacts list. Now tap the BLOCK button and this will be added as a rule to your block list. In this example, we'll block all calls from (425) 555-XXXX. +1 (425) 555-XXXX which will block all 9,999 possible numbers which can call you from (425) 555, or +1 (425) XXX-XXXX which will block the entire 425 area code.

Now you can use the slider bar to adjust which numbers you want to block, e.g. Next, enter the phone number that you would like to block numbers that are similar. To do this in Call Control for Android, simply tap the + button from the Home Screen and then select "Similar numbers". This is also known as blocking numbers by mask. and you may want to block all calls from any phone number starting with 425-555-XXXX (where the XXXX is any number). This article explains how to unblock a phone number on an Android smartphone. Steps may differ on modified versions of Android, such as a Samsung device, but should be similar. Often times spammers will use a block of numbers, like 42, 42, etc. To unblock a number, Phone > More > Settings > Blocked Numbers > tap the X next to the contact you want to unblock > Unblock. When adding numbers to your block list, you can chose the "Similar numbers" feature which lets you block a large set of phone number that are similar to a number that has been calling you.