Of course that spit and polish will cost you on the order of 10,000$ to start. If you want to desing something with more then a hundred or so parts up to a commercial jet it starts to shine. While SolidWorks and ProE will do most everything you need, they don't do as well when you want to work in a large collabrative environment. A full licence is ~4,000$.ĬATIA: This is the 800 lb Gorilla of CAD. I know with SolidWorks you can buy a student version for less then $200 which is fully usable, but you are signing an agreement to use the product for non-comercial purposes. Solidworks and ProE: Both of these are solid systems with similar and very useable and good for production CAD work. I don't care for AutoCAD's interface, but I havn't used Inventor so I can't really comment on that.

It's fairly cheap (I think) but Autodesk's products are not used much outside of Archetecture. If you want to do any serious CAD work avoid it.

Here are my recomendations:Īutodesk Inventor: If you just want to dabble but still have a real production system this tool is O.K.

I currently use SolidWorks for most of my CAD. I have used all of these systems except Autodesk inventor (though I have used AutoCAD) at different times over the last decade.